Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Appointment- Week 16

We had our 16 week appointment with Marty yesterday and alls well with tiniest fletch! We were only in there for about 10 mins total because Max said "Ma Ma, All Done!" as soon as Marty came in. I don't think he likes it when Ma Ma has to sit up on the bench and have people fuss over her. He did like listening to the heartbeat again which Adam and I also enjoyed of course! This time the heartbeat was 148 and it was strong! I don't feel any baby movement yet but I expect to start feeling it in the next few weeks. Our Ultrasound is scheduled for Friday, December 16th at 3:30 and we can't wait! That is one day before Adam graduates with his masters degree from JMU!!! Whoooo! That will be one exciting week! (Only a few more weeks to make your guess about the gender! Marty said she was purely guessing but with the heartbeat wives tale she would guess girl) Time will tell! Adam and I will be super stoked either way! I'm sure Max will too! xoxo

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Week 15

Everybody is doing well!! Max just got over hand foot and mouth disease and then poor Adam had a case of it too :( Luckily so far I have stayed healthy which is really good! Here are a few 15 week bump pictures! Next week we'll have another appt and then the next will be our ULTRASOUND!! yaaaay! Boy or girl?? What do you think??