Sunday, December 11, 2011

Almost 20 weeks!

The baby is almost 20 weeks (Tuesday) and our Ultrasound is coming up fast! I think I have felt little flutterings of the little one but I can't wait to feel it more strongly! We are so excited about finding out what we're having. The students in my classes are all voting on my white board at school. Girl is in the lead by about 20 votes. They are all suggesting some pretty awesome names too including: Max II, Little Jeezy and their own names just to name a few! We'll start concentrating more on names when we know what we're having! Update coming soon on the gender!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Appointment- Week 16

We had our 16 week appointment with Marty yesterday and alls well with tiniest fletch! We were only in there for about 10 mins total because Max said "Ma Ma, All Done!" as soon as Marty came in. I don't think he likes it when Ma Ma has to sit up on the bench and have people fuss over her. He did like listening to the heartbeat again which Adam and I also enjoyed of course! This time the heartbeat was 148 and it was strong! I don't feel any baby movement yet but I expect to start feeling it in the next few weeks. Our Ultrasound is scheduled for Friday, December 16th at 3:30 and we can't wait! That is one day before Adam graduates with his masters degree from JMU!!! Whoooo! That will be one exciting week! (Only a few more weeks to make your guess about the gender! Marty said she was purely guessing but with the heartbeat wives tale she would guess girl) Time will tell! Adam and I will be super stoked either way! I'm sure Max will too! xoxo

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Week 15

Everybody is doing well!! Max just got over hand foot and mouth disease and then poor Adam had a case of it too :( Luckily so far I have stayed healthy which is really good! Here are a few 15 week bump pictures! Next week we'll have another appt and then the next will be our ULTRASOUND!! yaaaay! Boy or girl?? What do you think??

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Week 13

I am a really lucky girl because the 1st trimester was really easy for me but the feeling of joy and excitement that comes with being over that hurtle is definitely here for me in week 13! It's so interesting how the announcements and preparations are so different from a first pregnancy to the second. I feel much more easy going and know what to expect this time. Like the super vivid dream phase! I'm there! This week alone I've had dreams about My family traveling to see Black Beauty and my dad letting Mosely run (of course he dove right into the water to chase the wild horses and dad jumped in right after him), a talking cat that told me he'd been waiting for a litter box all day so that he could poo and most recently my friend Holly waking me up at 10pm telling me she wasn't sleepy so we should hang out. I got really mad at her because I'd been sleeping so nicely since 8:30!!

We've been talking to Max about the baby more too and showing him where the baby is. Baby Tucker was at the baby sitter's yesterday and Max was sure to tell me about Tucker's toys hanging on the car seat and about how he was fussing when the car stopped. I know he is going to be such a caring big brother!

3 more weeks until another office visit and then 4 weeks after that we'll have our ultrasound!! It will be right around Dad's birthday in mid-December. I can't wait!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New OB appointment

Today we had our first appointment (I spoke with the nurse educator for the initial information several weeks ago over the phone). We met with Barbara (one of our favorite midwives) and listened to the heartbeat. It was 166. As soon as Max heard it he signed "more" Adam and I were thinking the same thing. It was so neat to hear it. Listening to another little person in there never gets old! Barbara told us that everything looked great and that we would come in for our next appt in 4 weeks. We have it scheduled for Tuesday November 15th with Marty.

I also started my baby journal today and told baby how excited I am to meet him or her. Baby is growing fabulously and I feel great. Every pregnancy is different, so I hear, but so far this one is just as exciting as the last!! xoxo

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Due Date May 1st!

Max is going to be a big brother!! Adam and I are super excited to welcome the littlest member to our family sometime in May! I am a realistic woman and know that May 1st will NOT be his or her birthday but a girl can dream :) Our first appointment will be at 12 weeks on Monday October 17th. We're excited to hear the heartbeat and see the midwives again!